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Top 50 I’m Thankful I Found You Quotes

Top 50 I’m Thankful I Found You Quotes

Love – the most powerful force among humankind. It can make us wage wars and divide nations, create peace and harmony amongst lifelong foes, bind together the most peculiar souls. Many argue that love, pure and simple, is the very meaning of life.

When you find that perfect person, the one who makes your soul soar, your spirit sing, it feels as if all the paths in your life were always bringing you toward that very person. All feels right in the universe. There is contentment, bliss, a feeling of safety and peace.

How do I know if it’s love?

True love is not fleeting, it is not selfish (though that doesn’t mean you won’t be selfish when you’re in love); it wants connection, it wants to dance, it is a beautiful and lasting connection between two people. Many people equate the feelings of butterflies and excitement with being in love. And surely, these are symptoms of people who may be falling in love, but be wary not to call something love based on fluttering and excitement alone.

A great way to know if what you’re feeling is love is to ask yourself this set of questions and see if you can answer yes emphatically to all of them:

  • Do I care deeply about seeing this person succeed in life and reach their goals?
  • Do I want to help contribute to their success?
  • Do I still care about my own dreams and success in life when I am with this person?
  • Does this person care about my happiness as much as their own?
  • Do I feel safe, cared for, and peaceful when I am with them?
  • Am I drawn to be affectionate with them?

If you answer yes to these questions, congratulations! You’re in love! And you’re probably looking for some unique ways to express that love and show them how grateful you are that you found them. Here are the Top 20 ways to tell your soul mate how thankful you are that you found them:

  1. You are my safe place, my harbor in the storm.
  2. The best thing that ever happened to me was finding and loving you.
  3. I am so grateful that God made you as you are, and made me fit to love you.
  4. You are the one I’ve dreamt of in the fairytales I read as a child.
  5. I will spend the rest of my life devoted to loving you and showing you how important you are to me.
  6. I will be your best friend, your loudest cheerleader, your greatest champion.
  7. I am so thankful that you exist and that I get to love you.
  8. You are such a gift to me. My life is better, every day, because you are in it.
  9. It’s the little things – the way you hold me before we sleep, the way you reach for my hand in the car, the way you smile at me in a room of people, the way our hearts sync when we are close. It’s the small moments woven throughout the day that bind us together and make me feel like the luckiest person in the world to be loved by you.
  10. Not a single day goes by that I’m not eternally grateful for your love and friendship.
  11. Thank you for loving me in the way that only you can.
  12. I still fall for you every day, in ways that I never knew were possible. I fall in love with the way you dress for work in the morning, the way you drink your coffee, the way you call my name when you walk in the door.
  13. Life is always worth living. But loving you makes it a beautiful life worth living.
  14. It is the sound of your voice that always bring me back. It is warm and full of love, and I want to hear it every day for the rest of my life.
  15. True happiness is waking up every day and tackling the challenges of a new day with you, then falling asleep next to you at night and dreaming of the life we are building together.
  16. I want to hold your hand when we’re 90 and say “We made it.”
  17. Our love is porch swings and sunsets, forest walks and cozy campfires. Our love is grand, our love is simple. It’s me plus you, through and through.
  18. I am thankful for the sunrise because it has brought me another precious day to spend at your side.
  19. I am so blessed to call you mine. You bring me so much joy and all I want is to spend my whole life bringing you that same happiness.
  20. You are the one. The only one for me. Nothing is greater in this world than my love for you. I will love, support, and care for you always.
  21. You fill my world with joy and I cannot express gratitude enough for you on a scale that compares with the impact you have had on my life.
  22. You know the best way to treat me. Every day is a special day when I get to spend it loving you.
  23. Every beautiful woman needs a strong, supportive man at her side. I vow to always be that man for you.
  24. I have loved you since before I existed in this world, of that I am sure, and I will love you with my very last breath.
  25. I searched my entire life for someone like you and found so many disappointments – until I found you.
  26. You are the love of my life. There is no greater bond than the one shared between our souls.
  27. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ~ G. K. Chesterton
  28. Through difficult times, through struggles and challenges, I will be your person, always.
  29. There are many beautiful things in this world, but you are the most beautiful to me.
  30. The only person I want to wake up next to and fall asleep with is you.
  31. It’s the little things you do – you don’t realize they are big things to me.
  32. From the bottom of my heart, I vow to love you with an unconditional love, for all of time.
  33. You make my world a better place – more grand and beautiful than I ever imagined it could be.
  34. You are the most amazing person in the whole world.
  35. You are a truly special person.
  36. You have gone from being just a part of my story to being my life story.
  37. You are the very definition of the best boyfriend.
  38. You are the very definition of the best girlfriend.
  39. Whenever I’m having a hard time you are the person who pulls me through. You are my champion.
  40. You are the first thing I think about every morning and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep.
  41. Love is a wonderful thing thanks to you. I never knew how splendid it could really be until I was loved by you.
  42. You are the man of my dreams. The one I dreamt about my whole life.
  43. I don’t have the right words to express how much you mean to me. Our love extends beyond the bounds of language.
  44. Oprah Winfrey said “You can have it all. Just not all at once.” But with you I do have it all and all at once.
  45. We are great friends but even greater lovers.
  46. Mark Twain said: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” You are my why.
  47. “We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright.” – Ernest Hemingway
  48. “When we hear voices that we love, we need not understand the words they say.” – Victor Hugo
  49. My life has been a series of ups and downs. But you, my dearest love, have brought me to a higher place, above the fray. You are my entire world.
  50. May God always see fit to keep us together.